February 21, 2017

The Library of Congress, the Law Library of Congress, and the Continuing Relevance of "The Merchant of Venice" @librarycongress @LawLibCongress @WFULawSchool

Ellen Terrell of the Library of Congress discusses real life merchants of Venice on the Library of Congress Blog here. The post is related to other Merchant of Venice posts dedicated to Shakespearian events in 2016, and some taking place this year, including a program discussing the history of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice, taking place today, February 21st, and hosted by the Law Library of Congress. 

The program includes talks by Benjamin Ravid, on the European legal context surrounding the establishment and continuation of the ghetto, David Malkiel, who will discuss Jewish institutions of self-government within the ghetto, and Dick Schneider. who will discuss Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice.

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